
According to the slope of the function can be divided into two types: (A) only slope weathering resistance and anti scour protection work, the protection is not subjected to lateral soil pressure, such as shotcrete slope, frame vegetation slope protection and vegetation revetment are such, slope is only for flat and stable the danger of sliding. (B) provide anti slide retaining force, can be divided into: (a) the rigid gravity retaining wall (such as masonry retaining wall, gravity retaining wall on the wall, retaining wall, cantilever retaining wall, retaining wall), (b) flexible gravity retaining wall (such as the snake cage retaining wall, frame retaining wall, reinforced retaining wall), (c) anchor retaining wall (such as: anchor lattice beam and anchor retaining wall. Pull type pile retaining wall).


  1. 名称:保定市清苑区模板加工厂
  2. 固话:13313028229

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