遮板模具是为了路线考虑 |
添加时间:2019/6/10 14:02:35 浏览次数: |
遮板模具是为了路线考虑有时候避免过多的路程,很多的高速铁路避不开村庄,而且很多高速铁路都是建立在桥梁上边,为了降低车辆的噪音,保障周边的安静生活,就需要使用高铁遮板,通过水泥制品来防止噪音的作用。 The shutter die is for route consideration, sometimes avoiding excessive distance. Many high-speed railways can not avoid villages. Moreover, many high-speed railways are built on bridges. In order to reduce guanjian.37ix.com.cnmojuggb.37ix.com.cnbaozhuangmo.37ix.com.cnmojujg.37ix.com.cnmojublg.37ix.co m.cn chuguan.37ix.com.cnthe noise of vehicles and ensure the quiet life around them, it is necessary to use high-speed rail shutters, through cement products to prevent noise. |
上一页 制作这种大型模具都是采用钢模板制作 |
下一页 设计隔离墩钢模具前要明确制品的设计要求 |