遮板模具是应用到高速公路 |
添加时间:2021/10/18 15:28:24 浏览次数: |
遮板模具是应用到高速公路,桥梁,高铁等工程建设的时候使用到,生产水泥、混凝土、预制遮板的一款模具,因为遮板模具的体积较大,长度较长,所以制作这种大型模具都是采用钢模板制作。 The shutter die is used in the construction of expressway, bridge and high-speed railway. It is a kind of die for producing cement, concrete and prefabricated shutter. Because the size of the shutter die is nthe length is long, the large-scale die is made of steel template. 制作这种模具过程也比较复杂,必须有客户提供的具体图纸,所涉及到的零碎的东西很多,只有完全按照图纸内容审查的遮板模具,才保定平面设计培训 保定空调维修 保定管道通风 包装盒定做 化粪池模具 废旧电缆回收 不锈钢铸件 能生成处合格的模具。 The process of making this kind of mould is also quite complicated. It is necessary to have specific drawings provided by customers. There are many fragments involved. Only the shutter mould which is completely checked according to the contents of the drawings can qualified mould be produced |
上一页 遮板的预埋件有 |
下一页 护坡砖模具作用 |