六角护坡模具分类 |
添加时间:2017/5/2 16:26:53 浏览次数: |
六角护坡模具是护坡模具的一种,同时还有矩形护坡模具,人字形护坡模具,三叉护坡模具,实心六角护坡模具,空心六角护坡模具,拱形护坡模具等尺寸规格不同的护坡模具,六角护坡是应用于高速,高铁,水利等地方,起到护坡,护堤的作用。 Hexagon revetment mould is one of the types of slope protection mould, as well as the rectangular slope protection mould, herringbone slope protection mould, trigeminal slope protection mould, solid hexagon revetment mould, hollow hexagonal slope protection mould, arched slope protection mold size different slope protection such as mold, hexagon revetment was applied to high-speed, high-speed rail, water conservancy and other places, slope protection, the role of the dike dam. 1.空心六角护坡:中间可以植入草被,净化空气,保护水土流失从而增加绿意。 Hollow hexagonal protection slope: in the middle can be planted grass, purify air, protect soil and water loss to increase green meaning. 2.实心六角护坡 :相对来说比较单调,适用于护堤。 Solid hexagon protection slope: relatively monotonous, suitable for embankment. |
上一页 三大常用热作模具用钢及处理工艺 |
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